The availability of suitable, user-friendly, and effective on-site methods for detecting and managing biotoxins remains a significant challenge for prevention and risk reduction. This PhD project at Wageningen University & Research (the Netherlands) aims to develop, optimise, validate, and demonstrate on-site approaches based on (trans)portable mass spectrometry (MS) for early detection of mycotoxins and plant toxins commonly found in Europe. Given the complexity of biotoxin testing across different matrices, the project employs both indirect and direct approaches. Indirect screening focuses on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) markers released by mycotoxin-producing Fusarium species using portable GC-MS with various inlet systems. Direct on-site testing utilizes novel ambient ionisation techniques with (trans)portable MS to establish on-site detection methods for pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) and emerging mycotoxins, ergot alkaloids (EAs).